
Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Kissing the hands of scholars/rulers?

Chapter on Kissing


Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu ‘Umayr from Rufa’ah ibn Musa from abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) who has said the following: “No one’s head or hand is kissed except those of the Messenger of Allah or one who is intended to be for the Messenger of Allah.”

Sheikh Mazandarani comments:

His saying: (or the one who is intended to be for the Messenger of Allāh ( ‘it is intended for his successors, and this is shown in the tradition that is following’


Ali has narrated from his father from ibn abu ‘Umayr from Zayd al-Narsi from Ali ibn Mazid Sahib al-Sabiri who has said the following: “Once I went to see abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) and I held and kissed his hand and the Imam said, ‘This is only for the Holy Prophet or his successors.’”

Sheikh Mazandarani comments:

His(as) saying: (As for that (kissing the hand), it is not correct except for the Prophet or the Successor of the Prophet), ‘it is apparent (from this) that it is impermissible to kiss the hand of other than those two.’


Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from al-‘Amraki ibn Ali ibn Ja’far from abu al-Hassan (a.s.) who has said the following: “Whoever of the relatives kisses a relative out of compassion he has not committed any offense. A brother may kiss the cheek of his brother. Kissing an Imam is between his eyes.”

Sheikh Mazandarani comments:

His (as) saying: (whoever kisses his relative out of compassion) – it is for the compassion or for relation, and the kissing here, and it is in the general (sense), but it is desirable that he intends to kiss other than the hand of a man because of what has passed

πŸ“šSharh Usool Al Kafi V9,P65-66


Seeing the Crescent


Hammad has narrated from al-Halabiy who has said the following: “Abu ‘Abd Allah, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, has said that ’Amir al-Mu’minin, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, would say, ‘I do not accept a testimony about seeing the crescent if it is from less than two just witnesses.’”


Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad al-Husayn from Ali ibn al-Hakam from fro al-‘Ala’ from Muhammad ibn Muslim who has said the following: “He (the Imam), ‘Alayhi al-Salam, has said, ‘Testimony by women is not admissible in the case of seeing the crescent.’”


Ahmad has narrated from Ali ibn al-Hakam from abu Ayyub al-Khazzaz from Muhammad ibn Muslim who has said the following: “Abu Ja’far, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, has said, ‘When you see the crescent, then fast and when you see the crescent (again), then discontinue fasting. It is not by opinions and conjectures. If out of ten people only one says that there is the crescent but the rest cannot see, it is not seeing. If one can see a thousand can also see.’”

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi V4,P49


Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Imam Jafar As-Sadiq(as) encouraging his Shia to write down and preserve the ahadith

Chapter on the virtue of writing and preservation of ahadith.


From abu Basir who has said the following. “(Imam) abu ‘Abdallah (as) said about the words of Allah in the holy Quran, “ . Our servants who listen to the words and only follow the best ones . (39:18).” “He is a man who learns Hadith and reports it as he has learned without any additions of omissions”


From Husayn al-Ahmasi from abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) who has said the following. 

“The heart relies on writing.”


Abu Basir reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Write, for you will not preserve it until you write it down!” 


Ubaid Ibn Zurarah reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: “Preserve your books, for you will need them!” 


Mufaddal Ibn Umar reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: “Write and spread your knowledge among your brothers and sisters, for when you die, your children will inherit your writings. A time is coming upon the people in which they will not trust in anything but their writings.” 

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi, V1 P29-30


(9:122) For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious.

 Imam Ridha(as) said: ,,Allah only ordered the Hajj so that they would all come as a group and seek their increase, and exit from all their errors committed by the servants.’Untill the Imam said:And let them be those who ponder and TRANSMIT AHADITH of the Imams(as) to every corner of the world, as Allah(swt) said:(9:122) For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious. 

And:(22:28)That they may witness benefits for themselves 

πŸ“šWasail-ush-Shia V27,P96-97

Monday, 29 March 2021

Those who do Tafsir Bil Ray are The enemies of The 12th Imam(ajf)

Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sa’eed bin Oqda narrated from Muhammad bin al-Mufadhdhal bin Ibraheem from Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Zurara from Muhammad bin Marwan that al-Fudhayl bin Yasar had said: I heard Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as) saying: “When our Qa’im appears, he will receive harms from the ignorant people more and bitterer than that the Prophet (S) had received from the ignorant people of the pre-Islamic age.” I said: “How is that?” He said: “The Prophet (S) came to people while they used to worship sculptured stone and wood whereas when al-Qa’im comes to people, they will protest against him by interpreting the Book of Allah according to their fancies. By Allah, he (al-Qa’im) will insert his justice into their houses like the entering of hot and cold.”

πŸ“šKitab Al Ghayba (By Al Numani) P307



Sunday, 28 March 2021

Sheikh Mazandarani comments on The rulers before the advent of Al Qaim

Chapter ,,Seeking leadership”


Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from Yunus from al-‘Ala’ from Muhammad ibn Muslim who has said the following: “I heard abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) asking, ‘Do you think I do not distinguish the bad from good among you? Yes, by Allah, the bad ones among you are those who love people walking behind him. Such a person is inevitably a liar or a helpless one (due to his ignorance) in his opinion.’”

Mohammad Salih Mazandarani in a commentary on this hadith writes:

,,Every ruler untill the advent of Al Qaim is a liar, a sinner.”

πŸ“šSharh Usool Al Kafi V9,P300-303

Sheikh Al Majlisi:Hadith#8-Sahih

πŸ“šMiratul Uqool V10,P125


,,Hold onto the rope of Allah”

We have seen many Batri preachers using the verse (3:103) to prove the unity between Omaris and Shias, Whats the interpretation of this verse according to The Ahlul bayt(as)?

From Imam Jafar(as)who said regarding the verse: ...,,And Hold onto the Rope of Allah all together” We(Ahlul bayt as) are the Rope.

πŸ“šTafsir Al Burhan V2,P85


Abu Al Hassan(as) said regarding the verse ,,And hold onto the rope of Allah all together “:Ali Ibn Abu Talib(as) is the firm rope of Allah.


From Abu Jafar(as):The Progeny of Muhammad(saw) is the Rope of Allah who He has commanded us to hold to, saying:,,Hold onto the rope of Allah all together”.

πŸ“šTafsir Al Ayyashi V1,P333-334

Abu Al Hassan(as) said regarding the verse ,,And hold onto the rope of Allah all together “:Ali Ibn Abu Talib(as) is the firm rope of Allah.

πŸ“šTafsir Al Burhan V2,P87

Tafsir Bil Ray

Chapter On those who interpret The Quran according to their own opinion.

Zurara narrated from Imam Abu Jafar as Who said:Nothing is further from mans understanding than the interpretation of The Quran. The beginning of a verse may refer to one thing, its middle to another and its end to something else. Then he recited {God wishes to keep uncleanliness away from you, people of the household, and to purify you thoroughly} from the onset of paganism.

πŸ“šTafsir Al Ayyashi V1,P95

,,Imam ridha(as) narrated from his father Imam Musa (as)from his father Imam Jafar (as)from his father Imam Al Baqir (as)from his father Imam Zayn Al Abdidin(as)from his father Imam Hussein(as) from his brothers Imam Hassan(as) from his father Imam Ali(as)from The Holy Prophet(saw)that Allah(swt) said:

 Such a person doesnt believe in me if they interpret my words(Quran) according to their own interpretation....

πŸ“šAl Amali of Saduq P17

Batri Priest Asif Mohseni authenticates a hadith speaking against Tafsir Bil Ray.

And from a number of people from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Washsha from Aban al-Ahmar from Ziyad b. Abi Raja from Abi Ja’far (as) who said: say what you know and if you do not know then say: “Allāh is more knowing”, a man selectively picks out a verse from the Qur’an and falls in it (misinterpreting it) a farther distance than what is between the earth and the sky.

πŸ“šMujam Al Ahadith Al Mutabara V1,P59

Ammar Ibn Musa reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: “Whoever interprets a verse from the Book of God according to his own opinion has already become a disbeliever.” 

πŸ“šWasa’il-ush-Shi’ah  V27,P60

Abu Basir reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: “If he who interprets the Quran according to his own opinion is right, he will not be rewarded, and if he is wrong, he will fall down even further than from the heaven.” 

πŸ“šWasa’il-ush-Shi’ah V27 ,P202


“Believers, be pious before Allah and always be friends with the truthful ones.” (9:119)

Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn abu Nasr who has said that he asked abu al-Hassan al-Rida (a.s.) about the meaning of the words of Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, in the following verse. “Believers, be pious before Allah and always be friends with the truthful ones.” (9:119) The Imams (a.s.) said, “The truthful ones are the Imams (a.s.) who, are truthful in their obedience (to Allah).”

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi V1,P123

Sheikh Al Majlisi:


πŸ“šMiratul Uqool V2,P421

Saturday, 27 March 2021

The day of doubt


A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn abu al-Suhban from Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Ribat from Sa‘id al-’A‘raj who has said the following: “I once asked Abu `Abd Allah, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, ’I have fasted on the day which is doubtful about its being of al-Shaban or of the month of Ramadan, if there is Qada’ (compensatory fast) upon me.’ He (the Imam) said, No, Qada’ (compensatory fast) is not obligatory on you and it was a day in which you had a fortunate chance.’”


Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ‘Uthman ibn ‘Isa from Sama‘ah, who has said the following: “I once asked Abu `Abd Allah, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, about a man who fasts a day and does not know if it is of the month of Ramadan or if it is of other days. Then certain people come and testify that it is of the month of Ramadan. Certain people say that it is not reliable. He (the Imam) said,  Yes, that is true.’ I then said that they say, ‘You fasted and did not know if it was of the month of Ramadan or of other days.’ He (the Imam) said, ’Yes, that is true. You can depend on it; it is something in which Allah granted you a fortunate chance. A doubtful day is fasted as that of al-Sha’ban and not as that of the month of Ramadan; he prohibited one’s fasting alone on a doubtful day. During the night one forms his intention to fast as a day of al-Sha’ban and if it happens to be of the month of Ramadan, it is sufficient for it by the favor from Allah, most High, because of the ease He has granted to His servants; otherwise, they would have been destroyed.’”

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi V4,P51

Sheikh Majlisi:



πŸ“šMiratul Uqool V16,P239


Does Mufid(rh) reject Ilm Al-Ghayb?

Question: One individual who possesses  extreme views claimed that Shaykh Al Mufid(rh) was a Muqassir and denier of virtues of Ahlul Bayt(a...