Ni’matullah al-Jaza’iri (rh) writes:
Know that there is no disagreement among our companions(rh) , about the superiority of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) over other prophets(as) because of Mutawatir narrations, the disagreement is only about the superiority of the chief of believers and the pure Imams(as) over other prophets except their grandfather Muhammad (saw). A group said they are better than all other prophets except Ulil-Azm as they are better than the Imams (as), another group said they were equal, and the majority of our late scholars agreed on the superiority of the Imams (as) over Ulil-`Azm and this is the correct opinion.
📚Al-Anwar al-Nu’maniyyah V1,P32
Shaykh Hurr Al Amili(rh) writes:
Chapter ,,The Prophet and the twelve Imams (as) are better than all other creations from prophets and past successors and angels, and that the prophets are better than the angels.”
From Abu Abdallah (as) who has said the following. When mentioning the Messenger of Allah (saw) he said: Amir al-muminin Ali (as) has said:Allah has not created any creature better than Muhammad (saw).
From Abdullah Bin Waleed Al Samman who said: Abu Jafar (as) said to me: Oh Abdullah! What the Shias say regarding Ali and Musa and Isa ? He (the narrator) said: May I be sacrificed for You! And from which of the situations are you asking me? He said: I am asking you about the knowledge. As for the merit, so they as are equal’. I said: May I be sacrificed for you ! So, what should I be saying regarding Them ?’ He said: ‘By Allah ! He is more knowledgeable than Them.
Then he said: ‘O Abdullah! Aren’t they saying that from the knowledge, for Ali is what is for the Rasul ?’ I said: Yes. He said: Then dispute with them regarding it. He said : ‘Allah(swt) Said to Musa(as) : And We Prescribed to him in the Tablets, Advice from all things [7:145], so we know that all of the matters were not explained to Him . And Allah(swt) Said to Muhammad(saw) : and We shall Come with you as a witness upon these (witnesses). And We Revealed the Book unto you as a clarification of all things, [16:89].
Imam Jafar(as) said: Allah(swt) Created the Determined ones from the RasoolAllah(saw) , and merited them with the knowledge, and we inherited their knowledge, and we are merited upon them as regarding their knowledge, and knowledge of RasulAllah(saw) , and what they did not know, and we know knowledge of the Rasool and their knowledge(as well).
📚Al-Fusool V1,P403-406
Shaykh As-Saffar(rh) writes:
Regarding The Imams(as) being superior than Musa and Isa(as)
Abu Jafar(as) said : Musa (as) asked a question to the scholar (Al-Khizras), there did not happen to be an answer with Him , and the scholar asked Musa(as) a question, there is not happen to be an answer with Him , and if I had been between the two, I would have informed each one of them with an answer to the questions, and would have I asked both of them a question, there would not have been with them any answer.
Imam Jafar(as) said: By the Lord of this House and by the Lord of this Kabah! – three times. If I was between Musa and Al-Khizr , I would have informed them both that I am more knowledgeable than they are, due to what wasn’t in their hands.
📚Basair Ad-Darajat V1,P446-448

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