
Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Revolting without The Imam(as)

Sheikh Hurr Al Amili wrote an entire chapter with hadiths disproving revolution before the return of The Imam(ajf)

Chapter-Under whom Jihad is obligatory and forbiddance of Jihad under anyone other than The Just Imam.

Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Tatriy has narrated from those who he has mentioned in his book - from Ali ibn af-Nu’man from Suwayd af-Qalanisiy from Bashir al-Dahhan who has said the following: “I once said to abu ‘Abd Allah, Alayhi al-Salam, ‘I saw a dream in which I said to you, “Fighting alongside one who is not an Imam, obedience to whom is obligatory, is unlawful just like consuming dead animals, blood and pork for food. You said to me (in my dream), “That is how it is.’” Abu ‘Abd Allah, Alayhi al-Salam, then said, ‘That is how it is. That is how it is.’”

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu ‘ Umayr from af-Hakam ibn Miskin from ‘ Abd af-Malik ibn ‘ Amr who has said the following: “Abu ‘Abd Allah, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, said to me, ‘O ‘Abd al-Malik, how is it that I do not see you go to these places where the people of your town go?’ I then asked, ‘Which places do you mean?’ He (the Imam) said, ‘To Juddah, ‘Abadan, al-Massisah and Qazwin.’ I then said, ‘I wait for your cause to materialize and follow you.’ He (the Imam) said, ‘That by Allah is true. If there was anything good in it they could not arrive there before us.’ He (the narrator) has that he then said to him, ‘Al-Zaydiyah group says, ‘There is no difference between us and Ja‘far, except that he does not think Jihad is necessary.’ He (the Imam) said, ‘Do I not consider it necessary? By Allah, I do consider it necessary but I dislike leaving my knowledge in their ignorance.’”

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ‘Uthman from ibn ‘Isa from Sama‘ah who has said the following: “’Abu ‘ Abd Allah, ‘Alayhi al-Salam, has said that ‘Abbad al-Basriy met Ali ibn al-Husayn, ‘Alayhi al- Salam, on the way to Makkah and said, ‘O Ali ibn al-Husayn, you have disregarded Jihad because it is difficult but you have inclined toward al-Hajj because of the ease in it. Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Glorious, says, “Allah has purchased the souls and property of the believers in exchange for Paradise. They fight for the cause of Allah to destroy His enemies and to sacrifice themselves. This is a true promise which He has revealed in the Torah, the Gospel, and the al-Quran. No one is more true to His promise than Allah. Allow this bargain to be glad news for them. This is indeed the supreme triumph.’” (9:111) Ali ibn al-Husayn, Alayhi al-Salam, said, ‘Complete the verse.’ He then recited: ‘(The believers) who repent for their sins, worship Allah, praise Him, travel through the land (for pious purposes), kneel down and prostrate themselves in obedience to Allah, make others do good and prevent them from sins and abide by the laws of Allah, will receive a great reward. Allow this to be glad news for the believer.’ (9:112) Ali ibn al-Husayn, Alayhi al-Salam, said, ‘If we see these kinds of people with these qualities then Jihad along side with them is more virtuous than al-Hajj.’”

From Al-Hussein bin Al-Abbas bin Al-Jarish, from Abu Jafar, the Second (as): “I know of no effort (Jihad) at this time except the great and small pilgrimage and charity.”

πŸ“šWasail-ush-Shia V15,P45-46

Chapter- Ruling on rising up with a sword before the return of Al Qaim.

Umar Ibn Hanzalah reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: “There are five signs before the revolt of the rising one (Qa’im): The cry, the descendant of Abu Sufyan, the darkness, the murder of the pure soul and the Yamani.” I said: “My life be sacrificed to you, if a descendant of the people of your house goes to the battlefield before these signs, do we go to the battlefield with him?” He said: “No!” 

Muhammad Ibn Husain reported that Imam Ali (as) said: “Stay firm on the ground and endure the misfortune and move neither your hands nor your swords in the lust of your tongues and do not rush to what God does not rush for you, for whoever of you dies on his bed, knowing the right of his Lord and the right of His Messenger and the people of his house, dies a martyr. His reward is due to God, and the reward of what he intended of his righteous deed is due to him, and the intention takes the place of his drawing from his sword, for everything has a time and a term.” 

πŸ“šWasail-ush-Shia V15 P50 – 56

Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al-Hakam, from Abu Ayyub Al-Khazaz, from Umar Bin Hanzala who said: I heard Abu Abdullah (asws) saying: ‘There are five signs before the rising of Al-Qaim (asws) – The scream, and the Sufyani, and the sinking (of the earth), and the killing of the pure soul (Al-Nafs Al-Zakkiyya) and Al-Yamany’. So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you (asws), if someone from your (asws) Household comes out (in revolt) before these signs, shall we come out (revolt) with him?’ He (asws) said: ‘No’. So when it was the next morning, I recited this Verse: “[26:4] If We please, We should send down upon them a sign from the heaven so that their necks should stoop to it”. I said, ‘Is this the scream?’ He (asws) said: ‘If that was, then the necks of the enemies of Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic would stoop down in humility’.

Hassan According to Al Majlisi(rh)

πŸ“šMiratul Uqool V26,P406

A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Usmaan Bin Isa, from Bakr Bin Muhammad, from Sudeyr who said: Abu Abdullah (as) said: O Sudayr ! Be seated in your houses and remain calm, and stay like that overnight, and when the day arrives, and Al-Sufyani has come out, so get out to come to us (asws) even if you have to walk on your feet.

Sahih according to Bahboudi(extreme rijalist who saw most of Al Kafi as weak)

πŸ“šSahih ,,Al Kafi” V3,P398

Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn, from Abdul Rahmaan Bin Abu Hashim, from Al-Fazl Al-Katib who said: I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah (asws) when a letter of Abu Muslim came to him (asws)’. So he (asws) said: ‘There is no answer to your letter. Exit from us (asws)’. So some of us left the others. He (asws) said: ‘Which thing are you walking upon, O Fazl? Allah (azwj) does not Make Haste due to the hastiness of the servants. And removing a mountain from its place is easier than toppling a government whose term has not ended’. Then said: ‘So and so, son of so and so’ – until he (asws) reached seven from the sons of so and so’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you (asws), so what are the signs with regards to what is in between us and you (asws)?’ He (asws) said: ‘The earth will not depart (end), O Fazl, until the Sufyani comes out. So if the Sufyani comes out, so answer to us (asws) (to our (asws) call)’. And he (asws) said it thrice: ‘And it is inevitable’.

Sahih according to Bahboudi

πŸ“šSahih ,,Al Kafi” V3, P399


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