From ‘Umar ibn Yazid who has said the following. “I saw Masma‘ in Madina. In that year he had tried to deliver a certain amount of property to abu ‘Abdallah (a.s) that he returned to him. I asked him about the reason for the return. The narrator has said that he said to me, “When I took the property to him I said, ‘ I had become in charge of the pearls in Bahrayn and I have made four hundred thousand Dirham profit. I have brought eighty thousand Dinar as your share. I did not like to keep your share and disregard what Allah(swt) has decreed to be for you in our properties.” Is there no more from earth and what Allah takes out of it besides one fifth for us, O abu Sayyar?” The whole earth belongs to us. Whatever Allah causes to come out therefrom it belongs to us.” I then said, “I will bring all the property to you.” He said, “O abu Sayyar, we have made it a gift for you and made it lawful for you. Take your property with you. Whatever land is in the hands of our Shi‘a it is lawful for them until Al-Qa’im will rise with Divine Authority. He will make an agreement with them about whatever land is in their hands and will give them permission to use. Whatever land is in the hands of others their earning from it is not lawful until Al-Qa’im will rise with Divine Authority. He will take such lands away from them and will humiliate them
‘Umar ibn Yazid has said, “Abu Sayyar said to me, ‘ I do not find anyone doing business or those in charge of certain tasks who would earn their living lawfully except my self and those for whom they have made it lawful.”
From abu Basir who has said the following. “Once I asked abu ‘Abdallah (as), ‘Is there any Zakat on Imam?’” He said, “O abu Muhammad, you have spoken an impossible word. Do you not know that both this and the next world belong to the Imam? He can place them as he may want or give them to whoever he may want. It is permissible for him from Allah. The Imam said, O abu Muhammad, the Imam never spends a night without Allah‘s right on him for which He would not ask him.”
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ‘Abdallah ibn Ahmad from Ali ibn al-Ni‘man from Salih ibn Hamza from Aban ibn Mus‘ab from Yunus ibn Zabyan or al-Mu‘alla ibn al-Khnith who has said the following. “I asked abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.), ‘What is for you from this earth?” He smiled and then said, “Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, sent Jibril and commanded him to dig with his toe eight rivers on earth. Of these are the River Sayhan and Jayhan which is the River in Balkh (central Asia) the River al-Khshu‘ which is the River al-Shash, river Mihran which is India, River Nile in Egypt, Tigris and Euphrates. All that these rivers provide water or all that take water from them belong to us and whatever is for us is for our Shi‘a. There is nothing for our enemies except what they have usurped. Our friends and supporters in an place bigger than this and this, the sky and earth. The Imam (a.s.) then recited the words of Allah. “They are made for the believers in this world (but others have usurped it from them) and are exclusively for them in the life hereafter (no one would usurp from them).” (7:32)
πAl Kafi Shareef V1,P206