
Friday, 30 April 2021

The rejectors of Imam Ali(as)

Chapter-Punishment of the one who doubts Imam Ali(as)

From Ali Bin Abdullah, from Musa Bin Sa’adan, from Abdullah Bin Al Qasim Al Hazramy, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar, It has been narrated from Abu Abdullah(as) having said: ‘Abu Ja’far(as)  said: ‘Allah(swt)  Mighty and Majestic Made Ali(as) as a Flag in between Him(swt)  and His creatures. There is no Flag in between Him and them apart from him. The one who follows Him would  be a Believer, and the one who fights against him would be an Infidel, and the one who doubts in him would  be a Polytheist’.

It has been narrated from Muhammad son of Ja’far , from his father(as)  having said: ‘Ali(as)  is the Door of Guidance. The one who opposes him(as)  is an Infidel, and the one who rejects him would enter the Fire’.

‘I heard Abu Ja’far(as) saying: ‘Rasool-Allah(saw)  said: ‘The neglecters of the Wilayah of Ali(as) , and the deniers of his(as)  merits, and the manifester of enmity to Him , are outside from Al-Islam – the one from among them who dies upon that’.

From Ibn Umar Al Armany, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abu Hamza Al Bata’iny, from Al Husayn Bin Abu Al A’la who said, I heard Abu Abdullah(as)  saying: ‘Even if all the ones who are in the earth were to fight against Ali(as) , Allah(swt) would Enter (All of them) into the Fire’.

πŸ“šAl Mahasin V1,P171-172


Thursday, 29 April 2021

Did Imams(as) tell their companions to give fatwas?

Ahmad Ibn Ali reported that Imam Al-Baqir (a.) said to Aban Ibn Taghlib: “Sit down in the house of prayer in Medina and provide the people with clarification (fatwa), because i love that one like you is seen among my followers.” 

πŸ“šAl-Wasa’il-ush-Shia V30 P291

Umayyah Ibn Ali reported that Muslim Ibn Abi Hayyah said: “I was in the service of Abu Abdillah As-Sadiq (a.), after which i wanted to leave him. I said goodbye to him and said: “I want you to provide me with care.” He said: “Come to Aban Ibn Taghlib, for he has already heard numerous sayings (Hadith) from me. So whatever he narrated to you about me, you will also narrate that about me.” 

πŸ“šRijal Al-Kashi P277

Aban Ibn Uthman reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: “Aban Ibn Taghlib narrated *30,000 sayings (Hadith) about me, so you also narrate them from him.” 

πŸ“šAr-Rijal An-Najashi P12

*most of them havent reached us unfortunately 

Muhammad Hussein Ishfahani(the teacher of Al Khoei) writes:

,,Those hadiths that suggest permissibility of issuing fatwas , although theyre our strongest argument for taqleed, however the problem is that back then Fatwa meant explanation and narration of hadiths.

And at the times of the Prophet and the Imams, the rulings would be conveyed through the transmission of narrations and traditions — and not through operating with opinions and speculations, thus it does not prove anything other than the probative force of a narration.”

πŸ“šNihayatul Diraya Fi Sharh Al Kifaya V3,P466


Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Position of The Shia depends on the amount of ahadith they narrate

 Muhammad Ibn Ahmad reported that Imam As-Sadiq (a.) said: Recognize the position of our followers by the amount of narrations they narrate about us in a good way, for we do not consider any of them understanding (Faqih) to be really understanding (Faqih) until he is a narrator.” He was told: “Is the believer a narrator?” He said: “He is given insight (Fahm) and the one, who is given the insight, is the narrator.” 

πŸ“šAr-Rijal Al-Kashi, P11

Issues that weren’t mentioned by The Imams(as)?

al-Shaykh Yusuf al-Bahraini writes: 

“And from them (the doubtful matters) is whatever there is no principle for, as you know, and its ruling is to refer back to them (the Imams), otherwise, [it is obligatory to do] tawaqquf and ihtiyat (caution).”

πŸ“šal-Durar al-Najafiyah, V1, P184

Ammar As-Sabati reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: Everything is clean until you know (with certainty) it is unclean. If you have gained the knowledge about it, then it has become unclean, but as long as you do not know it, you have no obligation. 

πŸ“šWasa’il-Ush-Shia  V3, P467

Abu Basir reported that he asked Imam As-Sadiq (as): We are dealing with matters, which we do not know in the scripture of God nor in the custom (of the prophet). Do we form our own opinion about it?” He said: “No, if you are right, you will not be rewarded and if you are wrong, you have lied about God.” 

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi  V1 P56 (Dar Al Kutub Al Islamiyah)

Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.) reported that prophet Muhammad (s.) said: My nation is excused from nine things: from that, which is ignored and forgotten, from that, which they were compelled to do, from that, which they do not know, from that, which they are not capable of, from that, which they were in need of, from evil omen, from envy and from pondering about that which is whispered in the creature, as long as man did not express it in words through his lips.” 

πŸ“šAl Fusul V1 P638


Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Rijal An-Najashi and Rijal At Tusi contradict each other

Daud Ibn Kathir Al Riqqi


πŸ“šRijal At Tusi #5003


πŸ“šRijal An-Najashi #410

Jafar Ibn Muhammad Ibn Malik


πŸ“šRijal Tusi #6037

Weak in hadith,narrated from the unknown

πŸ“šRijal An-Najashi #313

Al Hassan Ibn Al Hussein Al Luaiy

...Weakened by Ibn Babaway.

πŸ“šRijal Tusi #6110


πŸ“šRijal An-Najashi #83


Taqleed in Halal/Haram but not in Usoole Deen?

Sharif Al Murtadha writes:

,,Non Shias say that common men cant understand Furoo e Deen from hadiths and if you say that they have to follow hadiths then you are giving them a task thats beyond their abilities”


,,Theres no dispute in the fact that Usool E Deen has to be derived by laymen from the hadiths directly even though Usool E Deen are more complex , complicated, theres more questions about them and theres more doubts In there in comparison to halal and haram issues”

,,Lets talk about a person who cant understand hadiths do you require him to do Taqleed?”

,,We are talking about someone who cant understand ANY hadith, such a person would not understand Usool E Deen from hadiths either. Such a person is like a child theres no obligation for them to study it to begin with.”

πŸ“šRasail Sharifa Al Murtadha P42-43

*If you claim that you cant understand ahadith about  halal and haram and thats why you need to follow a marja  then that’s equal to claiming that you have the intellectual capacity of a child.

Monday, 26 April 2021

Following Narrations said under Taqqiya

Abu Ja’far Al-Ahwal reported that Imam As-Sadiq (as) said: The people are not given any leeway until they seekand understand and recognise their Imam and they are given leeway to act upon whatever he says even if it was (said) out of caution (Taqiyyah).” 

πŸ“šKitab Al-Kafi V1, P40 

Muhammad Amin al-Astarabadi writes:

“Among the favors of Allah for this sect, is that He, the Almighty, has allowed them (the Shia) to act upon whatever has reached them from the Possessors of the Infallibility, upon them be peace, even if they were [issued] under taqiyyah.”

πŸ“šAl-Fawaid al-Madaniyyah, P390


Shirk in obedience

 It is narrated from him (narrator of the Hadith above) from ‘Abd Allah ibn Muskan from abu al-‘Abbas who has said the following: “Once I asked abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) about the minimum degree of al-Shirk (paganism). The Imam said, ‘It is one’s inventing an opinion and thereafter loving and hating (people) on that basis.’”

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from Yunus from ibn Bukayr from Durays from abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) who has said the following: “About the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Holy, ‘Most of them do not believe in Allah; without associating others with Him’ (12:106) the Imam said, ‘Al-Shirk (paganism) is obedience and not in worship,’ and the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Holy, ‘ . . . certain people worship Allah to achieve worldly gains. . . .,’ (22:11) the Imam said, ‘A verse comes down about a man and then it applies to his followers.’ I then said, ‘Do those who appoint others (as people possessing Divine Authority) instead of you ( Ahl al-Bayt) worship for worldly gains?’ The Imam said, ‘Yes, at certain cases it is just that ( al - Shirk ).’”

Yunus has narrated from Dawud ibn Farqad from Hassan al-Jammal from ‘Amirah who has said the following: “I heard abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) saying, ‘People are commanded to know us ( Ahl al-Bayt ), and they are referred to us and to submit to us.’ The Imam then said, ‘If they fast, perform prayers, testify that there is no one who deserves to be worshipped except Allah but keep it in themselves and do not refer to us for guidance, for this they will be considered Mushrik, (considering things as partners of Allah).”’

A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from his father from ‘Abd Allah ibn Yahya from ‘Abd Allah ibn Muskan from abu Basir who has said the following: “Once I asked abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) about the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Holy, ‘. . . they (unconditionally) obeyed the rabbis and the monks. ... as they should have obeyed Allah. . . .’ (9:31) The Imam said, ‘By Allah, they (rabbis and monks) did not call the people to worship them. Had they done so people would not have listened to them. They, however, made certain things lawful and unlawful as they liked and people obeyed and worshipped them without realizing the evil in such worship.’”

Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Salih ibn abu Hammad and Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu ‘Umayr from a man from abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) who has said the following: “Abu ‘Abd Allah (a.s.) has said, ‘Whoever obeys a man in a sin has worshipped him.’”

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi V2,P222-223

Muhammad Shirazi on obiedience to scholars

Muhammad ash-Shirazi writes: 

“It is not permissible to disobey the Maraji, who are the deputies of the Imams (as) ,as disobeying them (the scholars) would be like disobeying the Imams (as) and that is [crossing] the boundary of disbelief in Allah(swt).”

πŸ“š Kitab al-Muharamat, P159


Sunday, 25 April 2021

Two events which destroyed the religion

 Muhammad Amin al-Astarabadi writes:

“In general, the religion has been ruined twice: one time when the Prophet passed away [the event of Saqifah], peace be upon him and his progeny, and when the usuli principles were established, and also the terminologies of the ΚΏammah (omaris) that have been mentioned in the usuli books, and in the books of dirāyat al-αΈ₯adΔ«th [science of gradings] in our rulings and traditions.”

πŸ“šal-Fawaid al-Madaniyah, P368-369

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Jealousy of Aisha(la)

Narrated `Aisha:

I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet (s) as much as I did of Khadija{AS}(although) she died before he married me, for I often heard him mentioning her, and Allah had told him to give her the good tidings that she would have a palace of Qasab (i.e. pipes of precious stones and pearls in Paradise), and whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would send her women-friends a good share of it.

Narrated `Aisha:

I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet (s) as much as I did of Khadija{as}though I did not see her, but the Prophet (s)used to mention her very often, and when ever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadija. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadija in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadija," he would say, "Khadija was such-and-such, and from her I had children."

Narrated 'Aisha:

Once Hala bint Khuwailid, Khadija's sister, asked the permission of the Prophet (s) to enter. On that, the Prophet (s)remembered the way Khadija used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, "O Allah! Hala!" So I became jealous and said, "What makes you remember an old woman amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a teethless mouth) of red gums who died long ago, and in whose place Allah has given you somebody better than her?"

πŸ“šSahih Al Bukhari V5,P97-99

Fate of Ibn Muljam(la)

Muhammad Ibn Yahya reported of Ali Ibn Hasan, who reported of Ali Ibn Ibrahim Al-Uqaili, who said in a retracing manner (Marfu’): He said: “When Ibn Muljam had committed the attack on the Commander of the Faithful (a.), he said to Hasan (a.): “My son, if i die, then execute Ibn Muljam and raise him a grave in Kunasah. Throw him in there. Thus it is one of the valleys of hell.” Al-Uqaili described that the place is located at the gate Taq-ul-Mahamil. It is a place for roasting meat and selling heads.

Sheikh Al Majlisi comments:

It may be that it became one of the valleys of hell only because it serves as a burial place for that monster. May God curse him for all eternity.” 

πŸ“šMiratul Uqool V3, P304


Imams(as) ordered us to read the Uthmani Mushaf

Al Jazairi writes:

If one should be asking, how reading in it can be permitted, while it has been subjected to changes, i say that it has been transmitted in the reports that the Imams (as) ordered their followers to read this existing Qur’an in prayer and outside of it and to act according to its judgements until our Master, the Master of Time (as),appears, whereupon this Qur’an ascends from the hands of men into heaven and the Qur’an is brought forth, which the Commander of the Faithful (as) wrote, so that it may be read and acted upon according to his judgments.” 

πŸ“šAl-Anwar-un-Numaniyyah, V2, P317

 Abd-ur-Rahman Ibn Abi Hashim reported that Salim Ibn Salamah said: “Someone was reading near Abu Abdillah (As-Sadiq) while I was listening to Qur’anic wordings which people do not read like that.” Then Abu Abdillah (a.) said: “Do not read in this way. Read as the people read until the Riser (Qa’im) rises. When the Riser rises, he reads the scripture of God in its limits and brings forth the codex (Mus’haf) that Ali (as) wrote down.” He said: “Ali (as) brought it out to the people when he finished it and wrote it down. So he said to them: “This is the scripture of God as God sent it down to Muhammad (s) and I have collected it from both tablets.” Then they said: “Here it is. We have a codex (Mus’haf) in which the Qur’an is collected. We do not need it.” So he said: “Behold, by God, you will never see it after this day of yours. It was only my duty to inform you as soon as I had collected it so that you could read it.”

πŸ“šKitab Al Kafi V2,P350

Does Mufid(rh) reject Ilm Al-Ghayb?

Question: One individual who possesses  extreme views claimed that Shaykh Al Mufid(rh) was a Muqassir and denier of virtues of Ahlul Bayt(a...