
Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Taqleed in Halal/Haram but not in Usoole Deen?

Sharif Al Murtadha writes:

,,Non Shias say that common men cant understand Furoo e Deen from hadiths and if you say that they have to follow hadiths then you are giving them a task thats beyond their abilities”


,,Theres no dispute in the fact that Usool E Deen has to be derived by laymen from the hadiths directly even though Usool E Deen are more complex , complicated, theres more questions about them and theres more doubts In there in comparison to halal and haram issues”

,,Lets talk about a person who cant understand hadiths do you require him to do Taqleed?”

,,We are talking about someone who cant understand ANY hadith, such a person would not understand Usool E Deen from hadiths either. Such a person is like a child theres no obligation for them to study it to begin with.”

📚Rasail Sharifa Al Murtadha P42-43

*If you claim that you cant understand ahadith about  halal and haram and thats why you need to follow a marja  then that’s equal to claiming that you have the intellectual capacity of a child.

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