
Thursday, 8 April 2021

Shia ahadith racist towards kurds?

Abu Ar-Rabi’ Ash-Shami reported that he asked Imam As-Sadiq (as): “There is a group of Kurds with us and they are always carrying goods for sale. Should we get involved with them and start selling?” He said: “O Abu Ar-Rabi’, do not get involved with them, for those Kurds are the living of those who hide themselves (Jinn). Allah removed the veil from them, so do not get involved with them.” 

Sheikh Al Majlisi writes:

This hadith proves there is a scorn (Makruh) concerning the relationship with THOSE Kurds and the interpretation of their being from the hidden ones (Jinn) may be that their bad morals and abundance of strength resembled the hidden ones (jinns) in the way as if the veil was uncovered from them.” 

📚Miratul Uqool V19 P145

*Hadith basically talks about certain group of kurds who happened to have bad manners/behavior.Other similar ahadith refer to the Kurds who still held their pre-islamic beliefs and theres no reason to assume that they would apply to the believing(Shia) Kurds.

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