
Monday, 10 May 2021

Tabatabai believed in incompleteness of Uthmani mushaf

Tabatabai writes:

All in all, what these narrative sources prove is that whatever is present between the two covers of the printed Qur’an is the Word of Allah. Nothing has been added to it, and nothing has been tampered with therein. However, they do not prove with definiteness that some part of the text is not missing.

...,,The above narrations, as you can see are narrated by individuals (not multiple narrators) which are strengthened by other corroborative evidences that definitely rules out any distortion of the Qur’anic text by addition or tampering. However there is no corroborative evidence for these individual reports that there is nothing missing from the text. Hence, the doctrine that no part o the text has been lost, is simply speculative. The claim by some that the Qur’anic text has been faultlessly preserved by numerous narrators in all three aspects (i.e. addition, tampering or subtraction of words) has no authoritative evidence.

📚Tafsir Al Mizan V12,P125-126


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