Narrations taken from Harf Ash-Shareef popular book among Nusayris and other Ghulat,May Allah(swt) curse them all.
Mufaddal asked: "Do they(believers) keep getting higher and higher in station until they become like angels and the need for food and drink and interest in those things is lifted from them and they ascend to the skies and come down to the Earth?"
The Imam replied: "Yes, If God wills it"
Mufaddal asked "Do they appear in the form of an angel or human?"
The Imam replied "They appear in any form they will, and in all parts of the Earth are a large number of them that speak to you and you speak to them and you do not recognize them but they are the ones whom Allah has lifted their chains off of them, and they walk on the Earth in the forms of (different) humans.
They neither need water nor food anymore and they care not for the material world and do not become rich and they show up at different remembrances of Allah and they speak to the people nor do the people deny having spoken to them and if they desire they can take flight to the skies or they stay on Earth, they have whatever they choose.
And one of them may be seen in the East today and at the same time be seen in the West, Allah has given them all these abilities. And so forth does the believer keep becoming higher and higher in rank until he becomes an angel in the sky and they come down to Earth then back up again
πHaft Ash-Shareef P50

Mufaddal asked "How does the Disbeliever advance in Disbelief reaching it until he becomes an Oppressive Tyrant Demon?"
Imam Al Sadiq replied "O Mufaddal, every Disbeliever has Seven Human Bodies he is incarnated in and tortured. The first Degree of the Disbeliever is that he is a Disbeliever who has been tested with Disbelief and so his heart boils with the doing of Immoral deeds just as the Believer´s heart boils with the performance of good deeds.
And if he reaches that Degree he will have become a Chieftain in Tyranny.
Then if he reached the Degree of Tyranny he becomes Devoutly Dedicated to Sin and Slander.
Then he becomes faithful in keeping up hs evil and his avoidance of Good Then he becomes a Safe Haven for Tyrants.
Then he becomes a Door.
Then if he is a Door in Disbelief he places every sin in his opinion and calls the people to it and the path of this Disbeliever in Evil is like the path of the Believer in Good.
Every time the Believer is raised in Belief a Door, the Disbeliever is raised in Disobedience a Door, example by example until he ends in the Disbelief. And it is then that he goes to war against Allah and to war against his Chosen and he becomes a Door of the Doors of Disbelief and if he reaches this level, he is over and he becomes a Cursed Satan.
It is then that he is installed/ Reincarnated into an Animal because of the Sins that came from him before and Worries and Grief and Weariness and Pain will all strike him.
And this is done so he may become purified and there is for no one before the likeness of his misery until the Believer knows his Belief fully and the Disbeliever knows his Disbelief fully.
πHaft Ash-Shareef P44

Imam Al Sadiq said "Verily the Disbeliever completes in Disbelief and is incarnated into an animal or lowly thing and is punished and is raised Degree by Degree until his Disbelief is complete and he finishes in it. And if he finishes (in Disbelief) he is incarnated and tortured in an animal or lowly thing."
Mufaddal asked "How is he tortured?"
The Imam replied "The first thing in which he is incarnated into is that (animal) which is Halal (permissible) to eat and such is he tortured at the hands of the Preferred of Allah and as such at the hands of the enemies of Allah!
"Have you ever seen a Disbeliever sacrifice a Camel or Sheep or Cow in order to get closer to God?"
Mufaddal said "Yes"
Imam Al Sadiq said "That is their punishment at the hands of the Enemies as for at the hands of the Believers it is what is sacrificed of the Cows and Sheep for food in their Holidays (Eid, Adha etc.) and in offerings to Allah and vows etc."
πHaft Ash-Shareef P55
Imam Hussein(as) was Raised to heaven and not martyred
Mufaddal said to Imam Jafar al Sadiq "Tell me about the death of the Imam and his killing and how is that?"
The Imam smiled until his gums showed and then said "You must be talking about Al Hussain and his Slaughter. And the Killing of the Prince of the Believers And the killing of Zachariyah And (the killing of) 'John the Baptist' (Prophet Yahya)" And (the killing of) Jesus"
It is accomplished.
Mufaddal said "That was in my Chest"
The Imam replied "Verily those O Mufaddal are the Purified of Allah and His Preferred Ones and His Goodness. Do you believe He would allow them to taste the Pain of the Pain of the Iron at the hands of their enemies? And it is only in the Apparent (made to seem that way) as a Confirmation of Allah's proof upon them as for them actually being killed or slaughtered. Verily, Allah protects His Preferred Ones and Purified Ones from that and Peace"
πHaft Ash-Shareef P91
Mufaddal said "Tell me O Master about the story of Hussein and how his killing and slaughter was made to look so as it was made to look so for those before them with the killing of the Messiah"
Imam Al Sadiq said "O Mufaddal that is a Secret of the Secrets of Allah, He made it seem so for the people and only the special chose of His Preferred Ones and Servants who are Believers and Specialized from His creation know it.
"Verily, the Imam goes into the Bodies willingly and unwillingly and comes out of it if he wants willingly or unwillingly as one rips off his Shirt without trouble nor doubt. So when they gathered on Hussein to Slaughter him, he left his Body and Allah raised him unto Himself and prevented the enemies from him.
πHarf Ash-Shareef P96
Divinity of Imams(as)
....It was then that our Master Hussein called out to Gabriel and said to him 'My brother, who am I?"
Gabriel said 'You are Allah that there is no God but Him, the Living, the Everlasting, the One who gives Death and Life. You are the One who Commands the Sky and it obeys You and the Earth and it ends to Your Command and the Mountains, they respond to You and the Seas rush Your obedience. You are He who no Plot nor Harm reaches"
πHaft Ash-Shareef P97